Now we can see the Light, and Mercury is in retrograde (oh joy!)
We're an month past Yule, and we are noticeably aware of the longer days and warmer temperatures. The returning light makes us feel better. While we enjoy it, and wait for Spring, and the earth to wake up so we can plant those seeds of ideas, dreams and hopes, we plan. Mind you, we are in a Mercury retrograde until February 11th, so, since, if you've been thinking about the plans you started after you read the last blog post, this would be a good time to refine them, refresh them, renew them. Do not though, act upon them, until after the retrograde ends. Since it has influence over communication and travel, even the best laid plans are apt to go astray. What does this have to do with relating to the runes you may ask? Ansuz-reversed comes to mind. This rune looks like and upside down "F", with the staves pointing up instead of out. Ansuz is the "breath" rune, and is associated with creativity, knowledge, communication and messages. When it is inverted,...