Spring is finally here...with something new!

So Spring has officially started, Easter has come and gone, and it looks like warmer weather is finally here to stay. Note I said "warmer", but not "warm", I know better......Mother Nature may still have a trick or two up her sleeve.

Hail! And a joyous, happy Spring to you all! Spring is a time for new beginnings, hope, fresh starts. We talk of Spring cleaning and clearing out old brush and leaves, or of planting seeds, or hopes or goals. We also start new projects, whether they be home improvement, self improvement or otherwise.

For me, this is a time of new beginnings as well. Last year I was invited to join a Heathen group on Facebook in the UK.....Odin's Hearth of the Blue Raven Kindred. While not the youngest age-wise, I was by far young as a Heathen compared with many of my sisters and brothers. I have learned much, still am learning much, and been privileged to share as well.

A month ago or so, our Hearth Guardian announced a next phase in the development of the Kindred, he wanted to start a Facebook group here, a Hearth in the US, and asked me if I would consider accepting the position of Hearth Guardian for this US auxiliary. After much thought, discussion with the Gods, and talking with my husband, I decided to accept the position .

So now, in addition to sharing the wisdom of the runes on "Have You RUNED Your Day Yet?", I am an admin and will monitor the group "Odin's Auxiliary Hearth of the Blue Raven Kindred USA". Our rules are simple,...respect of other members, no arguing, no hate-mongering, and of course an honest interest in the Northern Tradition. There is no one aspect of it that is adhered to. We are not specifically Asatru, Folkish, Tribal, Universal, or any other single designation. The main Kindred overseas has members from multiple countries, which, after a time, anyone in the US branch would have the option to request membership to.

It is hoped that this group in the US would be able to share and discuss everything from the runes, to the Gods, Eddas, and sagas. And for those that might be more local, possibly gather for festival days, moots and sumbles, as well as eventually focus on community work, interaction and education to show the community at large what Heathenry is.

So, this is an invitation to anyone that has an interest in the Northern Tradition, may already be living the way of the Northern Tradition that may be looking for a Kindred, or anyone that has felt the call of the Aesir and Vanir, but has questions and would like more information.  Feel free to fill out the contact form, or email me directly at shaysrune@gmail.com with those inquiries.

This is an exciting time, and I hope to be able to share it with many of you. Hail, and farewell for now.


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