A New Place, A New Phase

So last month I let you all know that with the closing of Transformation I would not be available for readings until further notice.

Well, today I am updating that information and letting you know that once again I am at your service with the counsel of the runes.

As of Tuesday, July 7th, I will be reading at Holistic Happenings Wellness Center  in Tinley Park.
The events page has their location and contact information already updated there.

Remember that Body, Mind Spirit Expo I mentioned in the last post?  That is where I first encountered Judy, the owner of Holistic Happenings. A conversation lead to her finding out I was a rune reader without a place to read, and me finding out she was looking for a reader for her center.
Coincidence? Uh.....no. the universe had a hand in this I'm sure.
So after an interview and sample reading, I was asked to come on board.  An intro talk on June 29th saw a pleasant crowd, which was the confirmation, I was informed, that I was meant to be there.
Am I excited? Very much so! Was it a hard decision to make? A bit......but I assure you there are no hard feelings on either side.

So when you have the opportunity, please stop by to say hello and check everything out. There are many offerings from Hypnotherapy to gong baths, foot detox, facials, massage therapy, and the list goes on. You can see descriptions of these at HolisticHappenings.org.

The other part of the month saw us on vacation. We started out in Fort Wayne, Indiana celebrating a Midsummer Moot with the Fort Wayne Heathens. This wonderful group is active in their community with regards to many things such as Hammers for Veterans, clean up days, Lore and Rune nights, and Pagan Pride days.
We had had the pleasure of meeting them last year at Chrysalis Moon gathering and have stayed connected since.  It was an honor to be invited to join them, and more so for me as I am pretty much a solitary Heathen in my own area, this was actually my first group moot.

In addition, and after nearly a year of thinking about it, I made my oath to Baldr and the light of illumination.
For this, I look to the following runes:
Kenaz, the torch/fire rune to keep my passion for knowledge and sharing the counsel of the runes with those that seek it. May its fire burn away that within me which is no longer needed that the spark within be fanned to a flame for all to see.
Sowilo, the sun rune...that my vitality and success spur me to victory over any obstacles. That my way is clear of shadows, that the journey I am on is always illuminating.
Finally, Dagaz...the dawn rune, that I appreciate each new day and the opportunities they bring. That I  appreciate when the light of dawn peeks through my window, chasing away the night and giving clarity to that which was once obscured by darkness.

Yes, a lot has happened this month.....and I am grateful for the growth and opportunities these changes are bringing.
Until next month....remember to RUNE your day!


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