A Harvest of Plenty?

So things have been going great at Holistic Happenings Healing Center. I've been going in with appointments on the books right off. As I've been booking up pretty well, I would highly recommend calling ahead to ensure the appointment time of your choice. I'm there from 1 to 7pm on Tuesdays.
I can't say "Thank You!" enough to those who have honored me with the opportunity to read for them.

So what has this got to do with a harvest?  Well, being able to read at this location was the result of scattering and planting some seeds. The soil was tilled when I went to the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo at the Tinley Park Convention Center in June. The seed was planted when I spoke with Judy Gremer, the owner of Holistic Happenings at that expo.  Then the seeds started to gestate and germinate when I came in to give sample readings, which was my "interview". Finally the seeds thrust through the soil layer into the air and light when I started reading back in July. They've been growing strong and healthy, and "the pollen" has been spread through referrals. Finally, we come to the harvest. What is mine? It is the joy and excitement I'm getting from sharing the counsel of the runes with my clients.

For anything regarding the harvest, we look to Jera, the harvest rune, even Ingwaz, the seed rune.  Jera is about cycles......any crop, whether it be the physical type for plants, or those metaphorical/ symbolic crops of our hopes, dreams, goals and ideas. Ingwaz represents those seeds that we. Then, we nurture, care for and fertilize those growths, keeping them healthy, so as they mature, they bring with them the ability to carry on their legacy in the form of more seeds.
Finally, we harvest those healthy, abundant crops, the fruits of our labors, reaping the rewards of our efforts. Thus one cycle ends, and another is soon to begin.

Before we go there though, let's think about the flip-side......what if your harvest wasn't exactly the best, say on the lean side? Now you have some pondering to do. What is it that you need to do differently next time? What is it that you didn't do this time? Perhaps you didn't dedicate enough time to the project? Maybe didn't solidify your plans enough, not have a back-up? Don't despair over it. You can use what happened as a lesson, a learning experience. You now have an opportunity to better your plans and ready your seeds for the next planting, and will subsequently have a better idea of what will be entailed to ensure a fruitful yield next time around.

So now that you are entering a new phase, another cycle, what are you going to do to manifest those dreams, hopes and goals? Whatever it is, may it be worthy of your time, may it bring you what you seek, and may it be rewarding. Until next time, remember to RUNE YOUR DAY!


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