
Showing posts from February, 2019

Time to renew and start again

Any of you that have been checking in on this blog from time to time have no doubt wondered where the heck I disappeared to I'm sure. After all, it's been what, like eight months, right? You probably thought I'd completely given up. In all honesty, I didn't, there were plenty of times I'd tell myself I needed to get on here and write something. To lay it out, I went through a few "dark" periods where my motivation lagged. But so many wonderful things have happened, renewing me, that I need to share them with you! One of the most important happenings has been becoming part an amazing LOCAL Heathen community and being given the honor of sharing the wisdom of the runes at gatherings, as well as actually lead one of our rituals. Most recently, becoming one of just a few in our group to undertake the honor of seidr, spā, and, in my case as a female, the craft of the völva. This is no small task, and I have much, much work to do, and believe me when I say I ...