About me
My name is Ravens Dawn, and I'm a Rune Reader.......
What are runes you may ask? They are an ancient lettering system of Germanic origin that eventually traveled to Scandinavia and Anglo-Saxon England in widespread use from especially the 5th through 11th-12th centuries CE.
Unlike our alphabet though, where each letter has only a sound, the runes also represented ideas, concepts, and things of physical, mental or spiritual natures.
For 20 years now I've been working with the Elder Futhark rune system and see their energy in all that moves through me and around me, either in nature or specific periods or occurrences in my life. Their meanings and truths are as intuitive to me as breathing.
I work WITH them to provide counsel or advice to they that seek clarity into a matter. Often this helps to open a path or insight that had not been previously considered, even to confirming that a desired course of action is the way to go, or validating one that has been already taken and for whatever reason is not second-guessed.
For years I worked exclusively with runes, one set of staves (sticks) made from a maple struck by lightning, and another out of rose quartz, and no other tool. But as I grew, I realized that I needed to expand, so I added in card decks. The first being The Runic Tarot, which is actually an oracle deck working with the runes and the four cross-quarter seasons of the year. It has Celtic-Nordic flavor and I enjoy offering it.
Eventually I was asked to incorporate tarot into my repertoire. This was honestly a challenge for me as tarot has soooo many nuances and was always overwhelming for me. But I have wonderful friends and teachers that continue to guide me. The right deck finally found me, and, the Gods having a great sense of humor, led me to The Raven's Prophecy tarot. I say sense of humor, because my reading name is, after all, Ravens Dawn!
Then, the mysterious and magical corvid struck again with the addition of The Raven Oracle. This deck, while out all the time, is used only when the ravens tell me they want to give a single card draw, final counsel to someone at the end of their reading. I have days where, like most ravens, they've been very chatty, and others where they've kept their beaks shut...lol.
I LOVE what I do! And look forward to every day I come into Just Witchy's on a reading day. In all that I do, I seek to honor the Gods, my Ancestors, and my Heathen community.
It is also my honor and privilege to read for those who come to the shop, request private readings, or schedule group events with me.
Feel free to reach out to me either by email- shaysrune@gmail.com, my Facebook page and/or group (please LIKE me), both called Have You RUNED Your Day Yet? for any questions. Also, appointments can be scheduled through justwitchys.com as well.
LEITHA MIG SANUG I VISKA OG VIRDING! (guide me true in wisdom and honor)
Ravens Dawn
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